Penzance Orchestral Society

What was on the walls

Penzance Orchestral Society in 1923 - Walter Barnes conducting

Photographs of Penzance Orchestral Society over the years

Memorabilia from the Society's history

1. Photograph of Morgan Hosking in his Bardic robes. He was made a Bard of the Cornish Gorseth in 1959.

2. Photograph of J Morgan Hosking, who conducted the Penzance Orchestral Society from 1946-1981.

3. Embroidered panel, beautifully stitched by Gladys Tranter and Enid Trumanand presented to Morgan Hosking on the occasion of the Orchestra’s Diamond Jubilee in 1966.

4. Certificate recording that Morgan Hosking was made a Freeman of the Borough of Penzance in 1972.

5. & 6. Penzance Orchestral Society Practising :- two paintings by John Harvey (oil on canvass).

7. Portrait of Judith Bailey by Romi Tunstall-Behrens (oil on canvass) - Judith Bailey, present conductor of Penzance Orchestral Society (since 2003).

Artwork on display

1. Walter Barnes by Hilda Quick (wood engraving) - founder and first conducter of the Penzance Orchestral Society.

2. Walter Barnes and Barrie Bennetts by Geoffrey Garnier (wood engraving) - two of the founder members of the Orchestra.

3. Pirates of Penzance poster (1929) probably by Geoffrey Garnier - showing Walter Barnes about to walk the plank. The Penzance Amateur Operatic Society performed this comic opera at The Pavilion, Penzance and was well-received.

4. Portrait of David Ball by Romi Tunstall-Behrens (oil on board) - David Ball, conductor of Penzance Orchestral Society 1981 – 2002.

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