Kneebone Family

Kneebone from the Penzance Parish of Cornwall


Mousehole Harbour c1925

Paul Cemetries  page

Kneebone chart showing relations who were on the Titanic:-

Kneebone family Chart 1 can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The names in the charts come mainly from Mousehole, Paul, and Newlyn.
There are family links in the charts, showing some names that may have emigrated. I will add more names as they are identified. Some are connected to the main charts, but I have separated them out for easier understanding.

Jane Kneebone, wife of the eminent Botanist William Curnow from Penzance.

William Curnow & Jane Kneebone

Curnow, William (son of John Curnow) - born Minney, Penzance, 1st November 1809

An eminent Botanist known loved & mourned by a large circle of friends 1809 - 1887


William and Jane enjoyed a happily married life at Pembroke Cottage, Paul.

Journals and publications attributed to William Curnow:-
List of Mosses found in West Cornwall.
List of Jungermanniae, &c., found near Penzance.
Rarer Plants observed in the neighbourhood of Penzance.
On the recent occurrence of lavetera sylvestris, found in the Scilly islands

William Curnow was a great friend of Mr John Ralfs, M.R.C.S. (2nd son of Samuel Ralfs, born Millbrook1807) who took up residence at Penzance in the winter of 1837

William contributed to many Natural History Societies,  one can be viewed at herbaria@home project

John Ralfs, died14th July 1890 Penzance Cornwall (and was an Honorary Member of the Penzance Natural History Society) 

Kneebone & Curnow family Chart 2 can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The names in the charts come mainly from Mousehole, Paul, and Newlyn.
There are family links in the charts, showing some names that may have emigrated. I will add more names as they are identified. Some are connected to the main charts, but I have separated them out for easier understanding.

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