Chirgwin Book

Chirgwin Family page.

Chirgwin's Chirrup

Published in 1912 By George Chirgwin

"The White Eyed Musical Kaffir"

This book has been transcribed by the holder of this website in his research into the Chirgwin Families. No reproduction is granted in any form.

Each chapter can be viewed using:   Adobe Acrobat Reader.



I  Some Early London Reminiscences

II  My Early Life Continued

III  Some Experiences whilst Busking and Pitching in the Country with my Brothers and Sister and joining other Troupes

IV  Some Early Experiences on the Stage in the Provinces - I marry - How I found my White-Eye, Falsetto Voice and Long Hat - And a few gentle but emphatic refutations

V  My brother Tom wins a championship for expert dancing - How I parody topics - Harmless Repartee - My return to London - First appearance at the "Oxford" - I become ambitious

VI  I tour Spain-Some queer customs - I forestall a would-be copyist - I go to a bull fight

VII  Spain continued - I become a matador - Visit Gibraltar - I save a fire panic in a Theatre - Return to London after appearing at Berlin - Tricky Managers

VIII  Some Instruments I play - Some Inventions - Dancing Pipes and Dolls - I discover the Scotsman and learn the bagpipes - Return to the "Oxford", London - Some animals I have kept and a few jokes

IX  Some frivolities - I save the life from drowning of Edward Colley, the agent - I appear in ballet at the "Empire", Leicester Square

X  I perform before Judge and Jury in the Law Courts - Some pantomime experiences - The private detective v. Chirgwin - I have to pay damages for entering my own house - Ear-biters

XI  I visit America and Australia - Dime Museums - Pitching - On boardship - Remedy for the rabbit pest

XII  Some songs of mine - Private receptions and hobbies - Diggings and landladies

Burnt corkers

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